Adrienne Schmoeker
Adrienne Schmoeker is a Senior Fellow at The GovLab. She previously served as the Director of Civic Engagement and Strategy at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics and Deputy Chief Analytics Officer for the City of New York. She advised New York City’s Chief Analytics Officer, managed a team of data-savvy strategists and supports a variety of strategic initiatives such as designing data partnerships, supporting the Census2020 team, and supporting community-driven data literacy and data empowerment efforts. Previously, she managed the City’s Open Data Program for two years, increasing the volume of datasets on the platform by more than 30% and led Open Data Week, a citywide community engagement initiative around public data. Adrienne originally joined the City of New York via the Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation in 2015, a new office led by the City’s first Chief Technology Officer, where Adrienne led a variety of open innovation initiatives in partnership with New York City’s urban tech, civic tech and startup communities.